LMD Flipping – The Most Lucrative Property Strategy…ever!
The question I posed to myself some time ago is, “Is there truly a viable way for anyone to make tonnes of money via a property strategy and be extremely excited throughout the process of executing it?”
This led me to create LMD Flipping which stands for Low Money Down Flipping.
You see, there are lots of individuals out there that want to master the art of “flipping houses” or the “brrrr method”
Flipping properties or successfully doing a brrrr takes time, money & knowledge….& you still are at risk of not making the return/profit you desire.
Plus there are only so many “flips” or “brrrr properties” you can do in 1 year right?
So, you put a lot of money in, you undertake to do lots of renovation work, you then have to sell the project or rent & refinance it (depending on whether you are doing a brrrr property or buying a house to renovate and sell).
Not only have you put in a lot of your hard-earned money, but you now also have to wait for months on end for it to work….and what happens if the property doesn’t sell?
What happens if it doesn’t rent?
What happens if your build cost is too much?
What happens if the market turns against you?
What happens if you can’t sell your property?
If you are buying and selling property for profit, it is often referred to as real estate flipping.
So…is there a way you could put a fraction of the money in, still perform a “flip” and project a much higher return / profit on your money?
Welcome to LMD Flipping.
LMD Flipping, LMD Flips or doing a LMD Flip stands for “Low Money Down Flip”
I have been doing this for years and have made a great deal of money doing it.
So what is it?
It is a unique way of controlling property (not owning it) and making huge returns on the money you put in…provided you know what you are doing and follow a set of exact steps.
I have successfully done a LMD Flip for as low as £100 to put it in perspective and banked £26,000 on the other end!
You can do a LMD Flip:
- without having to take out a mortgage
- without having to wait 6+ months (as you would in a traditional “house flip” or “the brrrr method”)
- without being affected by a rising or falling property market
- without inheriting any debt
- without having to go through a refinance
- without having to find or manage tenants
- without having to put down a huge deposit
- irrespective of your credit rating
On the “flip” side (pardon the pun), LMD Flips have the following unique advantages that can give anyone an edge in the property market:
- low money down
- complete control over the property (as if you own it)
- huge upside once successfully executed
- much shorter time period per project (weeks)
- run multiple projects at the same time (rather than waiting for months on end)
- no need for a mortgage
Sounds amazing right? Because it is!
For the first-time ever, I am going to reveal exactly how LMD Flipping works and showcase past transactions and actual deals that I have done to demonstrate just how lucrative and effective LMD Flipping is.
In my humble opinion, this strategy is absolutely ground-breaking and is set to rival, if not demolish, any other property strategy out there.
If you are interested, register for a free seat to my webinar here: https://kingsriver.co.uk/lmd-flipping-org/